Monday, June 10, 2013

Positive changes

Chad and I have been doing "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred". We started last Monday, and we did Thursday, Saturday, and again today (another Monday). We were aiming for three times a week. The workout is 20 mins long, and is BRUTAL. Jillian says, "You want results? They don't come free... We make big promises, and we gotta deliver great results. You gotta work for them!" After the first workout, we both lay on the floor for nearly an hour, unable to move. After the second workout, I realized I could walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Chad realized he could walk a mile to lunch with the guys without feeling like he was going to die. After the third, we noticed that it only took about 20 mins to recover. SO MUCH better than lying around for an hour, and breathing hard for the next half hour after that. Tonight, by the end of the cool down, we were genuinely cooled down. I ALMOST feel like I could do another one. We've decided to step it up and workout together two days on, one day off. I'm looking forward to the changes we'll see.

All in all, I'm feeling more positive. I have lost 8 pounds in two weeks. I'm looking forward to losing more. I'm making better choices with my food, and I'm working out hard. We've got a lot of changes coming. We're looking to buy a new home, instead of keep renting this one. I'm taking the first steps to sell premade baby books. I'm still applying for jobs when recruiters send them my way, but I'm not going out looking for positions right now. I feel more positive, more productive, more creative. I feel like I'm coming back to myself. 

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