Saturday, February 25, 2006

To sum up...

Today I got a lot done. I woke up and I went to see my therapist. We had a great talk, and decided that I don't need to see him every week, only once a month. So we're really excited to see that I've made so much progress in the last seven weeks. I went from falling apart to fairly together. I have a little homework -- I need to journal every day, and keep up on the things I've learned about myself. I'm so excited to watch as I tackle things I couldn't before, that I think I will really enjoy keeping up, reminding myself, and continuing to grow.

I got the affidavit signed and sent at the bank. That took a good long time. I also got three more assignments done at school. I'm done with six, and nine was supposed to be turned in yesterday. I have four weeks to do seven and eight, nine, and ten. I think I can do it!! :D

My mentor called today and we're redoing the school program again. I think it's really going to benefit me even more this time. Plus, I get a 20% discount for four terms. That's almost like getting one term for free!! I hope to be done in two more terms, and that will save us some money, too. :D

I got the dishwasher emptied, and I lost a half pound. I didn't exercise today, and I didn't follow my diet at all. But I still feel good, and I didn't overeat. My weight will probably be up tomorrow morning, but that's okay. I'll bring it back down tomorrow. :D I love that I'm not beating myself up over today. I love that I splurged a little, but it doesn't mean that all my goals and plans came crashing down.

I'm getting to know my son's sitter better, and I think that there might be a real friendship there in a while. We're slowly getting to know each other, and I think it's good. I need more female friends in my life.

Ziggie and I had a semi-date tonight. We sat together on the sofa and watched Independence Day. It's been almost a year and a half since I've seen it, and we were both craving some action and drama. We drank just a little from our Christmas stash, and I'm just buzzed enough to be a little more relaxed than usual, but I'm not hampered or sick.

I have a huge store to do tomorrow. If we don't show, we're immediately terminated. over 150 of us counting, and it'll still take ten hours tomorrow and eight on Sunday night. Can you say "BIG CHECK"? I'm so glad that I like this job, or I would be really devastated. I'm not eager to hear everyone else complaining tomorrow. I really don't understand that trend. Why get a job if you're just going to complain the whole time? Either appreciate the check and do your best to get out of there quicker, or shut up and QUIT!! Sorry... mini-rant there...

So to sum up my day... I feel accomplished. I feel productive. I feel useful.

Thank you for the time with my family today. Thank you for my happy son. Thank you that school is coming together for me and they are really making the program fit my needs. Thank you for providing such a wonderful caregiver for my son when I can't be there. Father, I pray that you will use me in her life... let me touch her and bring her toward You. Thank you for this opportunity. Please don't let me waste it. Please help her and her husband to make ends meet. Make us useful in her life, and not a burden. Father, bless our work tomorrow. Help it to go quickly and accurately, so we can spend time with our families. Thank you, Father. Father... I love you. Please don't let me forget.

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